Advent of Code is a set of daily computer programming puzzles that can be solved in any programming language.  The last programming language I remember using (badly) is FORTRAN, so I use the puzzles as prompts for visual artwork instead :)


the light of a thousand suns – digital collage

making snow – digital collage

the march of progress – digital collage

raising sand – digital collage

step counter – digital collage

thumper – digital collage

dark satanic mill – digital collage

across/down – digital collage

crucible – digital collage

the red heat of technology – digital collage


a hash code for composers – digital collage

lava mining – digital collage

smoke and mirrors – digital collage

lessons in seismic computing #1 – digital collage

Dijkstra’s assistant – digital collage

rage against the algorithm – digital collage

the data collector ii – digital collage

the choreographer – digital collage

the code monkey – digital collage

siren logic – digital collage

computing apples – digital collage

the dream prison – digital collage

a bigger hammer – digital collage

gamechanger – digital collage

the advent of code – digital collage